Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Chuck Schuldiner

Blogun bir tür mezarlik ani defterine dönüsüp, ölen kalanla dolup tasmasi sözkonusu ama
bu guzel müzisyen Chuck Schuldiner'in ölümünün 6. yili: 13 aralik 2001

annesinin emptywords.org'a yazdigi mesaj:

Dear fans and friends,

I'm sorry to write so late in the day but hopefully you will go onto EmptyWords and read this message. I inserted a memorial to Chuck in the Orlando Sentinel as I usually do on the 13th of December. In tribute to him, I spent the day fulfilling requests Chuck had asked of us, difficult emotionally but rewarding also. It was past time. Seems hard to believe it has been six years today, but I think I will always be saying that very same thing in the future. Time stands still that way.

Thank all of you who remember Chuck, not just this day, but all the days of the year, and who write to tell me so. Thanks to all who have sent portraits they have drawn or painted, I cannot express my feelings well enough. I received a wonderful one today from Maissa of France. I can never have too many, I frame and hang them all over the house and constantly enjoy them. Someday I'll take a picture and send it to EmptyWords to show you. You are a comfort and joy to me, always. I frequently wonder what I would do without you. I will answer all the emails as soon as possible, I am 300 behind now, but making progress. Take care.

Warmest regards,
Jane Schuldiner"

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