Friday, May 28, 2010

John Drapper aka. Captain Crunch

Hayat tuhaf iste: John Drapper aka Captain Crunch (The Legend)'in , HOPE Summit'e gidebilmesi icin 2600'den cagri yapiyorlar, otel masraflari ve yol icin $350'a ihtiyaci var diye. Gonlunuzden ne koparsa...

2600 Group Members!
I approach you with a heartfelt message in hope that a bit of your hard-earned cash may help a legendary member of our community make the trip from CA to NYC for the 2600-Sponsored HOPE (Hackers on Planet Earth) Conference, July 16-18th at the Hotel Penn. I don't think I need to spell out that HOPE is obviously a better choice than Defcon this year (for a million reasons which I know I need not enumerate for such a choice audience). Captain Crunch (John Draper) needs a small helping hand to reach a $350 goal to fund the trip.
Small donations (Even $5-10) will help! Thank you (!!!) in advance.

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